Customer and account methods

accountIdentifier - A unique identifier for this account. This identifier must be lowercase if alphabetic characters are used.

contactEmail - An email address for a designated representative for this account.

customerIdentifier - an official identifier for this customer. This identifier needs to be lowercase if alphabetic characters are used.

displayName - a friendly name for a customer or account

Order methods

accountIdentifier - specify the account this order will be deducted from

amount - specify the face value of of the reward. Always required, including for fixed value items.

campaign - optional campaign that may be used to administratively categorize a specific order.

customerIdentifier - specify the customer associated with the order. Must be the customer the accountIdentifier is associated with.

emailSubject - Optional. If not specified, a default email subject will be used for the specified reward.

etid - Optional. The unique identifier for the email template you would like to use. Only applicable if sendEmail is true.

externalRefID - Optional. Idempotent field that can be used for client-side order cross reference and prevent accidental order duplication. Will be returned in order response, order details, and order history. (100 alphanumeric characters max)

message - optional gift message

newEmail - A new email to resend this order to.

notes - Optional order notes (up to 150 characters)

recipient - email - required if sendEmail is true

recipient - firstName - required if sendEmail is true (100 character max)

recipient - lastName - always optional (100 character max)

referenceOrderID - Reference order ID is returned in the order response payload

sendEmail - should Tango Card send the email to the recipient?

sender - firstName - always optional (100 character max)

sender - lastName - always optional (100 character max)

sender - email - always optional

utid - the unique identifier for the reward you are sending as provided in the Get Catalog call

Line item methods

referenceOrderID - A unique identifier for an order

externalRefId - Specifies the external reference order ID

status - The line item status to be retrieved for each line item

emailStatus - The email status to be retrieved for each line item

orderStatus - The order status to be retrieved for each line item

orderSource - The order source to be retrieved for each line item

recipientEmail - A recipient's email address. This will return line items across all orders.

recipientFirstName - The recipient's first name. This will return line items across all orders.

recipientLastName - The recipient's last name. This will return line items across all orders.

accountIdentifier- The account identifier used to place an order. This will return line items across all orders.

startDate - Specifies the starting date or date time to be queried according to RFC 3339

endDate - Specifies the ending date or date time to be queried according to RFC 3339

columnSortName - Specifies the column name to sort by. If columnSortName is not specified, it will sort by dateIssued.

columnSortAscending - True will sort by ascending order for the column specified in columnSortName.
False will sort by descending order for the column specified in columnSortName. If columnSortName is not specified, it will sort by dateIssued.

elementsPerBlock - Specifies the number of elements returned by page

pagePrevious - True returns the previous page. False returns the next page

PageKeys - This filter uses keyset paging. To move to the next page, use the nextPageKeys object from the keySetPage object. The nextKeyPage object is an array of two strings.

Funding methods

accountIdentifier - specify the account this credit card is associated with

amount - specify the amount to fund in USD

billingAddress - firstName - specify the billing address first name

billingAddress - lastName - specify the billing address last name

billingAddress - addressLine1 - specify the billing address line 1

billingAddress - addressLine2 - Optional. Specify the billing address line 2

billingAddress - city - specify the billing address city

billingAddress - state - specify the billing address state

billingAddress - postalCode - specify the billing address postal code

billingAddress - country - specify the billing address 2-letter country code

billingAddress - emailAddress - specify the billing address email

contactInformation - fullName - Optional. Used for email receipts. Specify the contact full name.

contactInformation - emailAddress - Optional. Used for email receipts. Specify the contact email address.

creditCard - number - specify the account this order will be deducted from

creditCard - expiration - specify the card expiration date in YYYY-MM format

creditCard - verificationNumber - specify the 3 or 4-digit card security code on back of card (CVV2, CVC2, or CID)

creditCardToken - specify the credit card token to fund with

customerIdentifier - specify the customer associated with the credit card. Must be the customer the accountIdentifier is associated with.

depositId - Credit card deposit identifier returned in Deposit response payload

ipAddress - specify the The IP address of the person adding the credit card

label - specify a label for the credit card

Email template methods

accentColor - A Hex color value, six hexadecimal digits preceded by a pound sign, used as an accent in the email.

accessControl - (Optional) Which Customers and/or Accounts should have access to this template.

accessControl - type - The type of access being specified: PLATFORM, CUSTOMER or ACCOUNT.

accessControl - identifier - If the type is PLATFORM, the platform name or can be left blank. If the type is CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT, the customerIdentifier or the accountIdentifier, respectively.

closing - After the reward credential, a space to close the message to the recipient

customerServiceMessage - (Optional) If left null, Tango Card's Customer Support contact information will be included. Otherwise contact information for your customer support, if you are taking responsibility for providing first tier customer support of your recipients.

defaults - If you want this template to be used at order time for the given Platform, Customer or Account when the Email Template Identifier (etid) is not provided with the order.

defaults - type - The type of default being specified: PLATFORM, CUSTOMER or ACCOUNT.

defaults - identifier - If the type is PLATFORM, the platform name or can be left blank. If the type is CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT, the customerIdentifier or the accountIdentifier, respectively.

fromName - The name that will appear in the From line of the email.

headerImage - A Base64 encoded string of an image that will show as the header of the email.

headerImageAltText - The Alt Text for the Header Image in the email.

messageBody - The message body for the email. This is often used to let the recipient know why they have received the reward.

name - A unique name to give the template.

subject - The Subject of the email.

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.