Get a list of all accounts created for a specific customer

Are you looking for the list of all accounts for your customer? Use GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts endpoint to get a list of all accounts created for a specific customer on your platform.

GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accountsGet a list of all accounts created for a specific customer on this platform.

The following path parameters are used with this endpoint:

Path paramsData typeDescription
customerIdentifierstringA unique identifier for the customer under which you are seeking details. The string must have 5-100 characters.

The following query parameters are used with this endpoint:

Query paramsData typeDescription
paginatebooleanWhether to paginate the results or not.
-true: paginate the results.
-false: not to paginate the results. False is the default.
prevCursorstringThe cursor to use for the previous page of results. This will be ignored if paginate is false.
nextCursorstringThe cursor to use for the next page of results. This will be ignored if paginate is false.
maxResultsint32The maximum number of results to return. The default is 10, and the maximum is 200. This will be ignored if paginate is false.
accountNumberstringSpecify the account number to be queried.
displayNamestringSpecify the account display name to be queried.
statusstringSpecify the status to be queried.
-ACTIVEstringShow active accounts. When the account is active, you can conduct normal processing, fund, and place orders.
-INACTIVEstringShow inactive accounts. You cannot fund or place orders. Unlike disabled accounts, you cannot change the inactive status.
-DISABLEDstringShow disabled accounts. You can set your account to Disable without any assistance from Tango. Once your account is disabled, no transactions are allowed.
-FROZENstringShow the frozen accounts. With frozen accounts, your account has reached the velocity threshold. No transaction can be done until the freeze is lifted by Tango. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) at for questions or help.
-DELETEDstringShow the deleted accounts. When an account is deleted, it doesn't exist anymore.
contactEmailstringSpecify the contact email address to be queried.
currencyCodearray of stringsSpecify the currency code(s) to be queried.
We only accept CAD, EUR, GBP, or USD. Only one currency can be specified. Currency can never be changed. The currency defaults to USD if no currency is specified.
minBalancenumberSpecify the minimum currentBalance to be queried.
maxBalancenumberSpecify the maximum currentBalance to be queried.
minDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the earliest createdAt date to be queried.
maxDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the latest createdAt date to be queried.
fundingNotificationEmailarray of stringsSpecify the funding notification email(s) to be queried.

Here's a payload example for this endpoint:

    "currentBalance": 0,
    "contactEmail": "string",
    "fundingNotification": [
        "emailAddress": "string"
    "accountIdentifier": "string",
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-14T16:18:41.061Z",
    "status": "string",
    "currencyCode": "string"

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.