Get credential types

Credential types refers to the type of reward credentials such as URLs, card numbers, PINs, etc. that are being loaded. It shows you every single type of credentials each reward uses in the catalog, including what's returned in the credentialList.

We categorize credential types based on internal factors of the Tango system. You can see all possible credentialTypes using the GET {URI}/credentiallist endpoint. The GET {URI}/catalogs returns the credential types information for each item in the catalog. Note that many of the definitions found in the GET {URI}/credentialtypes are similar or identical.

Get a list of credential types

The GET {URI}/credentialTypes call returns the list of what credential types you might encounter and the GET {URI}/catalogs call returns the credential types information for each item in the catalog. There is no parameters for this endpoint.

GET {URI}/credentialtypesGet a List of credential types

The following payload shows a list of credential types in a Tango platform using GET {URI}/credentialTypes endpoint:

    "credentialType": "barcodeNumber",
    "description": "A numeric or alphanumeric string that provides a human readable version of the information embedded in a barcode. This is typically used in conjunction with the barcodeUrl credential."
    "credentialType": "barcodeUrl",
    "description": "A URL for a barcode image. This is typically used in conjunction with the barcodeNumber credential."
    "credentialType": "bypassUrl",
    "description": "A landing page URL that includes secondary credential information. This removes the need for the recipient to input secondary credentials on the landing page."
    "credentialType": "cardCode",
    "description": "A numeric or alphanumeric string."
    "credentialType": "cardNumber",
    "description": "A numeric or alphanumeric string."
    "credentialType": "cvc2",
    "description": "A 3-digit numeric code used as a secondary credential for financial products."
    "credentialType": "eventNumber",
    "description": "A secondary credential that is numeric or alphanumeric string."
    "credentialType": "expirationDate",
    "description": "A date after which the issued reward will no longer be redeemable."
    "credentialType": "pin",
    "description": "Personal Identification Number. A secondary credential that is a numeric or alphanumeric string."
    "credentialType": "redemptionUrl",
    "description": "A landing page URL where reward credentials and redemption information are typically presented. The landing page may or may not require the recipient to enter one or more secondary credentials to complete the reward redemption process."
    "credentialType": "secretCode",
    "description": "A secondary credential that is numeric or alphanumeric string."

Reward types and credential types

Tango returns the following reward types and credential types. If your integration requires displaying reward data in app or creating custom reward emails, you may need to add logic to parse the returned reward data correctly.

Reward typeDescriptionCredential typeIntegration example
textPlain textcardNumber, PIN, securityCode, claimCode, etc.Wrap in a <span> tag
URLURL to a reward landing pageredemptionUrl, securityUrlWrap in an <a> tag
barcodeURL for a barcode imagebarcodeAdd an <img> tag
dateISO datedtimeexpirationDateDisplay in localized date format based on locale of reward according to RFC 3339, such as 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z

Credential type key

For better parsing and display of reward data, we have added the credentialType key to the credentialList object in the Order response.

The following payload shows the credential types such as redemptionUrl or expirationDate as part of the credentialList object in the order response when performing the GET {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID} call:

"credentialList": [
                "label": "Redemption Link",
                "value": "",
                "type": "url",
                "credentialType": "redemptionUrl"
                "label": "Expiration",
                "value": "",
                "type": "date",
                "credentialType": "expirationDate"



We are continuously expanding our catalog and it is likely that new reward types will arise over time. For this reason we recommend a fallback/default to handle unspecified types as text.

The possible response codes for this endpoint is:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.