Get subscription events

Are you interested in seeing all of your past subscription events in one place? Perhaps you need to review and clean up the old notifications. Use the following endpoint to get past subscription events:

Use the following endpoint to list past webhook notifications:

GET {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/eventsTo get subscription events

The following path parameter is used with GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/events:

ParameterData typeDescription
webhookIdstringThe specific event ID

The following query parameters are used with GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/events:

ParameterData typeDescription
fromRevisionint64(Optional) The beginning revision number to be replayed. It must be an integer up to 64 digits.
toRevisionint64(Optional) The ending revision number. It must be an integer up to 64 digits.
prevCursorstring(Optional) Specify previous cursor to return.
nextCursorstring(Optional) Specify next cursor to return.
maxResultsint32(Optional) Specify the maximum results to return. It must be an integer up to 32 digits

The following sample response is returned when you use GET {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/events to get subscription events:

  "numberOfElements": 0,
  "maxResults": 0,
  "nextPageAvailable": true,
  "nextCursor": "string",
  "prevCursor": "string",
  "prevPageAvailable": true,
  "items": [
      "eventId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "revision": 0,
      "eventType": "string",
      "categories": [
      "eventOccurredAt": "2024-06-13T20:06:24.565Z",
      "eventData": {
        "accountIdentifier": "string",
        "status": "string"

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 404 Not Found

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