Redeliver subscription events

Have you missed a webhook notification recently due to an outage? Tango API webhook subscribers are now able to request the system to redeliver past webhook notifications for up to three months. Subscription events older than three months are not retrievable.

Use the following endpoint to redeliver past subscription events:

POST /webhooks/{webhookId}/replayTo redeliver past subscription events

The following path parameter is used with POST {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/replay:

ParameterData typeDescription
webhookIdstringThe specific event ID

The following query parameters are used with POST {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/replay:

ParameterData typeDescription
fromRevisionnumberThe beginning revision number to be replayed (required)
toRevisionnumberThe ending revision number (up to and including) to be replayed (optional). If null, replay all event notifications from the fromRevision to the current (or latest).

The following sample response is returned when you use POST {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/replay?fromRevision={integer}&&toRevision={integer} to redeliver past subscription events:

-- Response

If you set fromRevision to 0 and do not put any integer for toRevision, all events are replayed. If fromRevision = 0 and toRevision = 1, the first two events will be replayed and so on.

The following response message is available for this endpoint:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 404 Not Found
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity