Quick start guide (Tango API-v2)
This is a quick start guide to get you started with Tango API
This quick start guide is intended for our API users to access the information they need quickly and at one glance. For more detailed information, refer to our complete User Guide (Tango API-v2).
Try it yourself!
- Check out Tango's Sandbox Test Console !
- You must have your API keys enabled for your platform. See Where to begin below.
- We provide Tango API for your integrations and customizations. We don't offer code customization.
What's required?
You must have a browser (Chrome recommended), a Tango platform, and API keys.
Where to begin?
- Check out Tango's Sandbox Test Console . You're welcome to use our provided demo test credentials.
- Request a demo and connect with our sales team. We will set you up with your own sandbox platform for testing.
- When you're ready to move to Tango production account, let your sales rep know. They connect you with the onboarding team.
- Get ready for Program and UI review. Send a copy of your program Fact Sheet to your onboarding contact for review.
- Once your program is approved, your assigned onboarding rep will enable your production API credentials.
What's next?
With the production API credentials in hand, you're ready to dive in to the Tango API. Follow our recommendations below:
- Set up your work environment. Tango provides both sandbox and production account.
- Make sure to Secure your connection. All communication with the Tango API must be secured. We offer Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0 (recommended).
- Determine your platform and organizational model. We support enterprise and simple structures.
- Review Tango API suggested flow as a typical workflow recommendation.
- Check out the following API functions and endpoints. Endpoints should only be called at a rate of 1 TPS or less.
Tango API functions
Function | Purpose | EndPoints |
Manage customers | You can manage customers (groups) on your platform. A group is a collection of accounts to hold funds and place orders. Use the endpoints here to: get the list of all customers, create a new customer, get details for a specific customer, get list of all accounts created for a specific customer, and update an account under a specific customer. | GET {URI}/customers POST {URI}/customers GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier} GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts POST {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts PATCH {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts/{accountIdentifier} |
Manage accounts | Accounts are nested within groups in Tango and they contain funds. Use the endpoints here to: get a list of accounts created on this platform or get the details for a specific account on this platform, such as account number, account name, creation date, etc. | GET {URI}/accounts GET {URI}/accounts/{accountIdentifier} |
Manage funds | You need funds to send rewards to the recipients. Use the endpoints here to: fund an account, get details for a specific credit card deposit, unregister a credit card, list all credit cards registered on this platform, register a new credit card, get details for a specific credit card deposit, and transfer funds. | POST {URI}/creditCardDeposits GET {URI}/creditCardDeposits/{depositId} POST {URI}/creditCardUnregisters GET {URI}/creditCards POST {URI}/creditCards GET {URI}/creditCards/{token} GET {URI}/transferFunds |
Get credential types | Credential types shows you every single type of credentials that each reward uses in the catalog, including what's returned in the credentialList. Use this endpoint to get a list of credential types on your platform. | GET {URI}/credentialtypes |
Manage orders | An order may include one or more rewards (line items). Use the endpoints here to: get a list of orders placed on this platform, create an order under a specific account, get details for a specific order, and resend a specific order. | GET {URI}/orders POST {URI}/orders GET {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID} POST {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID}/resends |
Manage catalog | A catalog is a collection of rewards. All rewards must be attached to a catalog to place an order and send to recipients. Each platform has its own catalog. Use this endpoint to get all items in your platform catalog. | GET {URI}/catalogs |
Get brand categories | You can filter a catalog by category such as grocery, beauty, etc. Use this endpoint to get brand categories available on your platform. | GET {URI}//brandCategories |
Manage Choice Products | Choice products include Reward Link® (RL), Global Choice Link, Promo Link ™(PL), and Disbursement Link (DL). Use the endpoints here to: get all available Choice products, get catalog for a specific Choice product, and get details for a specific Choice product. | GET {URI}/choiceProducts GET {URI}/choiceProducts/{choiceProductUtid}/catalog GET {URI}/choiceProducts/{utid} |
Manage countries and currencies | You can filter your catalog for your recipients based on country and currency. Use this endpoint to get a list of countries in your catalog. | GET {URI}/rewardCountries |
Manage email templates | Email delivery is the default mode of delivery to send digital rewards with Tango. Use the endpoints here to get a list of all email templates on this platform, create a new email template, get details for a specific email template, delete a specific email template, and update details for a specific email template. | GET {URI}/emailTemplates POST {URI}/emailTemplates GET {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid} DELETE {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid} PATCH {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid} |
Manage line items | Line Items provide more granular and comprehensive view of rewards. Each order may have one or more line items. Use the endpoints here to: get a list of line items, get all reason codes for specific actions, get details for a specific line item, update line item parameters, cancel line items, freeze line items, reissue line items, unfreeze line items, and resend a specific line item. | GET {URI}/lineItems GET {URI}/lineItems/reasonCodes GET {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemId} PATCH {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemID} POST {URI}/line-items/{referenceLineItemID}/cancel POST {URI}/line-items/{referenceLineItemid}/freeze POST {URI}/line-items/{referenceLineItemID}/unfreeze POST {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemID}/reissue POST {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemId}/resends |
Get exchange rates | Tango offers international rewards in over 80 different countries and their local currencies. Use the endpoint here to get a list of exchange rates available for this platform. | GET {URI}/exchangerates |
Webhooks | Tango offers wehbooks to push messages and platform-specific notifications to subscribed entities. The following events are currently supported: ItemAvailability and AccountStatus | GET {URI}/webhooks POST {URI}/webhooks GET {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId} DELETE {URI}/webhooks/{WebhookId} PATCH {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId} GET {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/events POST {URI}/webhooks/{WebhookId}/renew POST {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/replay POST {URI}/webhooks/{webhookId}/tests/{testName} |
Ask for assistance
Email [email protected] and include the X-REQUEST-ID from the response header. If you have a Customer Success Manager, include them in the email as well.
Sensitive Information
Do not send us sensitive information such as platform credentials, reward credentials, code, etc. via email. We look up the necessary details using the X-REQUEST-ID. If needed, we will contact you for additional information.
Updated 3 days ago