
New AUD Funding Support

Tango now supports AUD accounts. Additionally, Global Choice Link is now available in Australia Dollars. To create your AUD account, see POST /customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts.


New: Update customer-defined parameters on a line item

Tango API users can now update customer provided data associated with the following line items: order number, campaign, and notes. These changes will reflect directly in the Tango platform. See: PATCH /lineItems/ {referenceLineItemID}.


Added pagination and filters to the “Get Customers” request

Tango API users can now paginate and filter results when requesting a list of all customers on this platform. Filter by items such as display name, status, account number, and more for GET /customers.


Added line item capabilities

Use this option to unfreeze, freeze, cancel, and reissue orders directly in the Tango API portal. To cancel, view: POST /lineItems/{referenceLineItemID}/cancel. To freeze an order, see: POST /lineItems/{referenceLineItemID}/freeze. To unfreeze an order, go to: POST /lineItems/{referenceLineItemID}/unfreeze. To reissue an order, view: POST /lineItems/{referenceLineItemID}/reissue.

Brand categories are visible in the GET /catalog endpoint

Tango API users are now able to categorize each brand into industry-standard categories within the Tango-identified catalog so that customers can group/filter the brand in their custom catalog display.

Added additional query parameters to GET /creditCards

Tango API users are now able to use these optional query parameters forGET /creditCards.

Added currency type to the POST /accounts endpoint

Tango API users are now able to create a new account in any of the following supported currencies:

Created a GET /transferFunds endpoint

Use this endpoint to transfer funds from one account to another account of the same currencyCode. Learn more here.

Created the GET /choiceProducts endpoint that will return UTIDs for Tango Choice products

Tango API users are now able to call an endpoint that will give them the contents of a Tango Choice catalog so that they can display that information back to end users. Learn more more.

Created the GET /choiceProducts/{utid}

Tango API users are now able to see a specific Tango Choice product UTID so that customers can call a different endpoint to get the contents and display it to end users. Learn more here.

© 2025 Tango API are provided by Tango, a division of BHN, Inc.