Added printed template ID (PTID) to the POST /orders endpoint

Only required when ordering a Printed Reward Link. The unique identifier for the Printed Reward Link Template provided in the Tango Portal on the Printed Template page. Learn more here.

Include purchase order number in the POST /orders payload

Tango API users are now able to include a PO number when creating an order as well as query against that PO number. Learn more here and here.

Tango API order notes also populate to the Tango portal

Tango API users are now able to see orderNotes displayed in both the GET /lineItem endpoint and in the Tango portal Line items history tab.

Added currency filter to the GET /exchangerates endpoint

Tango API users are now able to filter on one or more currencies when using theGET /exchangeratesendpoint. Learn more here.

Planning Ahead: More RaaS API Enhancements


Looking for a higher level of security?

Our RaaS® API 2.1 will feature OAuth2.0. Talk to your engineering team about reserving time in Q3 to upgrade your RaaS API implementation. (Don’t worry! We’re not ending support for RaaS API 2.0 anytime soon.)

Help Us Improve Your Experience


It’s very important we know if our products and services are meeting your expectations. That’s why we’re reaching out for your feedback.

Global Expansion

Global Gift Cards


Reaching your people has never been easier!

Our newly expanded global catalog now covers 97% of the world's population.

RaaS API Line-Item Order Endpoints Enhancements

We’re now ISO 27001 certified!

We take security seriously. And now we’re ISO 27001 certified.