Get a list of all customers

You may need to get the list of all customers on your platform. UseGET {URI}/customersendpoint for this purpose:

GET {URI}/customersGet a list of all customers on this platform.

(🚧 coming soon) Use the query parameters to filter the payload and improve the results. The following query parameters can be used with this endpoint:

Query paramsData typeDescription
displayNamestringSpecify the customer display name to be queried.
statusstringThe group or customer status:
customerMinDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the customer earliest createdAt date to be queried according to RFC 3339, such as "2025-01-01" or "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z". See
customerMaxDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the customer latest createdAt date to be queried according to RFC 3339, such as "2025-01-01" or "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z". See
accountStatusstringSpecify the account status to be queried. See Account status for more information.

accountIdentifierstringSpecify the account identifier to be queried.
accountNumberstringSpecify the account number to be queried.
accountDisplayNamestringSpecify the account display name to be queried.
accountMinDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the earliest createdAt date to be queried according to RFC 3339, such as "2025-01-01" or "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z". See
accountMaxDateCreatedAtdate-timeSpecify the latest createdAt date to be queried according to RFC 3339, such as "2025-01-01" or "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z". See
paginatebooleanPaginated payload helps managing the payload and prevents API timeout. Select to paginate the results:
-true: paginate the results.
-false: not to paginate the results. False is the default.
prevCursorstringThe cursor to use for the previous page of results. This will be ignored if paginate is false.
nextCursorstringThe cursor to use for the next page of results. This will be ignored if paginate is false.
maxResultsint32The maximum number of results to return. The default is 10, and the maximum is 200. This will be ignored if paginate is false.

The following code shows the response example for when you use GET {URI}/customers\:

    "customerIdentifier": "string", (5-100 chars)
    "displayName": "string",(100 chars)
    "status": "string",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-11T19:30:55.706Z",
    "accounts": [
        "accountIdentifier": "string", (5-100 chars)
        "accountNumber": "string",
        "displayName": "string", (100 chars)
        "createdAt": "2024-03-11T19:30:55.706Z",
        "status": "string",
        "currencyCode": "string"

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity (coming soon)
  • 500 Internal Server Error (coming soon)
  • 503 Service Unavailable (coming soon)

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.