Create a new email template
Use POST {URI}/emailTemplates
to create email templates for reward delivery. The ETID returned in the API response is necessary to identify a particular email template when ordering.
Endpoint | Purpose |
POST {URI}/emailTemplates | Create a new email template. |
Here is the list of body parameters for when you use POST {URI}/emailTemplates
to create a new email template:
Parameter | Data type | Description |
name | string | A unique name to give the template. |
fromName | string | The name that appears in the From line of the email. |
subject | string | The Subject of the email. |
headerImage | string | A Base64 encoded string of an image that shows as the header of the email. |
headerImageAltText | string | The Alt Text for the Header Image in the email. |
accentColor | string | A Hex color value, six hexadecimal digits preceded by a pound sign, used as an accent in the email. |
messageBody | string | The message body for the email. This is often used to let the recipient know why they have received the reward. |
closing | string | After the reward credential, a space to close the message to the recipient. |
customerServiceMessage | string | (Optional) If left null, Tango's Customer Support contact information is included. Otherwise contact information for your customer support, if you are taking responsibility for providing first tier customer support of your recipients. |
accessControl | array of objects | (Optional) Indicates which Customers and/or Accounts should have access to this template. |
-type | string | The type of access being specified: PLATFORM, CUSTOMER or ACCOUNT. |
-identifier | string | Leave this field blank if the type is PLATFORM. Enter either customerIdentifier or accountIdentifier (5-100 chars), if the type is CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT, respectively. |
defaults | array of objects | If you want this template to be used at order time for the given Platform, Customer or Account when the Email Template Identifier (etid) is not provided with the order. |
-type | string | The type of default being specified: PLATFORM, CUSTOMER or ACCOUNT. |
-identifier | string | Leave this field blank if the type is PLATFORM. Enter either customerIdentifier or accountIdentifier (5-100 chars), if the type is CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT, respectively. |
See the payload example below:
"etid": "string",
"name": "string",
"fromName": "string",
"subject": "string",
"headerImage": "string",
"headerImageAltText": "string",
"accentColor": "string",
"messageBody": "string",
"closing": "string",
"customerServiceMessage": "string",
"accessControls": [
"type": "PLATFORM",
"identifier": "string"
"defaults": [
"type": "PLATFORM",
"identifier": "string"
The response message for this endpoint is:
- 201 Created
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 409 Conflict, Duplicate Exists
- 422 Unprocessable Entity
Updated 4 days ago