Unfreeze line items

You can unfreeze Choice Product (Reward Link®, Global Choice Link, Promo Link™, and Disbursement Link) after they are successfully frozen. See how to freeze a line item.

A reward can be frozen to investigate errors or concerns. It can be frozen as many times as necessary as long as it’s fully unredeemed, and it's within a valid timeframe after the original date of issuance. Once a reward is frozen, the system will automatically unfreeze it after 48 hours if no other action is taken.



  • You can manually unfreeze a reward if it's outside the five-day window and before the 48-hour window of automatic unfreeze ends. The system will automatically unfreeze a frozen reward after 48 hours if no other action is taken.
  • You can only unfreeze Choice products.
  • Freeze and unfreeze can occur on different dates after a reward is issued as long as each action falls within the allowable time windows.

How to unfreeze an existing line item?

See the steps below:

  1. Call POST {URI}/line-items/{referenceLineItemid}/unfreeze to unfreeze the reward.
  2. Enter the referenceLineItemID for the line item you are planning to unfreeze.
  3. Enter a reason code. A successful returned response is 202 Accepted.
  4. Call GET {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemID} and enter the same referenceLineItemID. The status of this line item shows up as unfreeze in the payload.

Use the following endpoint to unfreeze a qualified line item.

POST {URI}/line-items/{referenceLineItemID}/unfreezeUnfreeze a line item on this platform.

Use the following path parameter to identify which line item you're unfreezing:

Path parameterData typeDescription
referenceLineItemIDstring(Required) Reference line item ID is returned in the line items response.

Use the following body parameters to provide a reason for unfreezing your line item. See Get all reason codes for reasons and their descriptions:

BodyData typeDescription
reasonCodeEnum(Required) The reason to unfreeze the line item. See Get all reason codes for reasons and their descriptions:
otherReasontringThis field is required if reasonCode equals OTHER. Enter a description why you need to unfreeze the line item only if the available reasonCodes don't meet your need.

Here is the accepted response returned when unfreezing a line item is successful:


If you try to unfreeze a line item that is already unfrozen, you will get 422 unprocessable .

  "timestamp": "2025-02-14T18:20:46.859981268Z",
  "requestId": "57aa9a08-385e-4075-b2d4-1d96477b08cd",
  "path": "/raas/v2/lineItems/RG250106-133850-97-1/unfreeze",
  "httpCode": 422,
  "httpPhrase": "Unprocessable Entity",
  "i18nKey": "422.234",
  "message": "Line Item is ineligible to unfreeze."

Here's an example payload for when you receive any error:

  "timestamp": "2025-02-21T23:23:13.930Z",
  "requestId": "string",
  "path": "string",
  "httpCode": 0,
  "httpPhrase": "string",
  "i18nKey": "string",
  "message": "The error message will show here for error codes ",
  "errors": [

Here's an example payload for when you receive any error:

  "timestamp": "2025-02-21T23:23:13.930Z",
  "requestId": "string",
  "path": "string",
  "httpCode": 0,
  "httpPhrase": "string",
  "i18nKey": "string",
  "message": "The error message will show here for error codes ",
  "errors": [

The possible response codes for this endpoint are as follows. For details, see i18nkey codes and their error messages:

  • 202 Accepted
  • 400 Bad request
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 422 Unprocessable entity

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