Get details for a specific account

Are you interested in getting details, such as account number, account name, creation date, etc. about a specific account? Use the following endpoint to get details for a specific account on your platform:

GET {URI}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}Get details for a specific account on this Platform.

The following path parameters are used with this endpoint:.

Path paramsData typeDescription
accountIdentifierstringThe accountIdentifier for the Account you are seeking details.
The string must have 5-100 characters.

The following example response is returned by GET {URI}/accounts/{accountIdentifier} endpoint:

  "currentBalance": 0,
  "contactEmail": "string", (255 chars)
  "fundingNotification": [
      "emailAddress": "string"
  "accountIdentifier": "string", (5-100 chars)
  "accountNumber": "string", (5-100 chars)
  "displayName": "string", (100 chars)
  "createdAt": "2024-03-13T23:25:59.600Z",
  "status": "string",
  "currencyCode": "string" (3 chars)

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.