Transfer funds

You can transfer funds between two active Tango accounts that live on the same Tango platform. The accounts must have the same currency such as, USD to USD, or CAD to CAD.

Use the following endpoint to transfer funds from one Tango Account to the other with the same currency:

GET {URI}/transferFundsTransfer funds from one Tango Account to the other



  • We only accept CAD, EUR, GBP, or USD. Only one currency can be specified. Currency can never be changed. The currency defaults to USD if no currency is specified.
  • You can only transfer funds between accounts of the same currency, such as: USD to USD, or CAD to CAD. Funds cannot be transferred between accounts if they have different currencies, such as USD to EUR.

Use the following parameters with GET {URI}/transferFunds endpoint:

Body paramsData typeDescription
transferFromstring(Required) The accountIdentifier for the Account transferring funds from.
transferTostring(Required) The accountIdentifier for the Account transferring funds to.
amountnumber(Required) The currency amount of the funds being transferred. We only accept CAD, EUR, GBP, or USD. Only one currency can be specified. Currency can never be changed. The currency defaults to USD if no currency is specified.
transferNotesstring(Optional) Add notes when transferring funds (up to 150 characters)

See the following response example when you use this endpoint to transfer funds:

  "transferDate": "2024-01-18T23:48:48.562Z",  
  "transferredAmount": 0,
  "transferNotes": "string",
  "transferFrom": {  
    "accountIdentifier": "string",  
    "accountNumber": "string",  
    "displayName": "string",  
    "currencyCode": "string",  
    "startingBalance": 0,  
    "endingBalance": 0,  
    "status": "string",  
    "contactEmail": "string"  
  "transferTo": {  
    "accountIdentifier": "string",  
    "accountNumber": "string",  
    "displayName": "string",  
    "currencyCode": "string",  
    "startingBalance": 0,  
    "endingBalance": 0,  
    "status": "string",  
    "contactEmail": "string"  

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.