API endpoint overview

Tango API has numerous endpoints to help you perform a variety of activities in your Tango platform. These endpoints are presented here at an overview level. For detailed information on each endpoint, refer to their related article in this guide.




Use the following endpoints to create and view customers (groups) on the platform. These calls include details for all customers and accounts under a platform but not the balance and contact information for the accounts.

GET {URI}/customersGet a list of all Customers on this Platform.
POST {URI}/customersCreate a new Customer on this Platform.
GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}Get details for a specific Customer on this Platform.
GET {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accountsGet a list of all Accounts created for a specific Customer on this Platform.
POST{URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accountsCreate an Account under a specific Customer on this Platform.
PATCH {URI}/customers/{customerIdentifier}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}Update an account under a specific customer

For details, refer to our document on Manage customers.


Use the following endpoints to get detailed information, such as balance, for the accounts in your platform.

GET {URI}/accountsGet a list of Accounts created on this Platform.
GET {URI}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}Get details for a specific Account on this Platform.

For details, refer to our document on Manage accounts.


Use the following endpoints to register, fund, and un-register credit cards.

POST {URI}/creditCardDepositsFund an Account.
GET {URI}/creditCardDeposits/{depositId}Get details for a specific Credit Card Deposit.
POST {URI}/creditCardUnregistersUnregister a Credit Card.
GET {URI}/creditCardsList all credit cards registered on this Platform.
POST {URI}/creditCardsRegister a new Credit Card.
GET {URI}/creditCards/{token}Get details for a specific Credit Card.
GET {URI}/transferFundsTransfer funds

For details, refer to our document on Fund your account.

Credential types

Use GET {URI}/credentialtypes to get a list of credential types. There is no parameters for this endpoint.

GET {URI}/credentialtypesGet a List of Credential Types

For details, refer to our document on Get credential types.


Use the following endpoints to create, view, and resend orders.

GET {URI}/ordersGet a list of Orders placed under this Platform.
POST {URI}/ordersCreate an Order under a specific Account.
GET {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID}Get details for a specific Order.
POST {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID}/resendsResend a specific Order.

For details. refer to our document on Manage orders.


Use the following endpoint to view the items in your catalog, along with the details to order items and display the item information.



UTID is Unique Tango ID {{utid}} for the item being ordered such as Gift Cards or NPO or nonprofit donations.

GET {URI}/catalogsGet all items in the platform's catalog.

For details, refer to our document on View catalog.

Email templates

Use the following endpoints to create, view, update and delete email templates for reward delivery.

GET {URI}/emailTemplatesGet a list of all Email Templates on this Platform.
POST {URI}/emailTemplatesCreate a new Email Template.
GET {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid}Get details for a specific Email Template on this Platform.
PATCH {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid}Update details for a specific Email Template on this Platform.
DELETE {URI}/emailTemplates/{etid}Delete a specific Email Template on this Platform.

For details, refer to our document on Manage email templates.

Line items

Orders consist of one or more line items. Each line item represents a single gift card, reward, disbursement, or promotional link and has its unique reference number, customer's first name, last name, email address, dollar amount, etc. Each line item can be managed separately when a request fails due to an undeliverable email or a misspelled recipient's name, for example.

Use the following endpoints to page through or filter a list of line items, including their non-sensitive details and reward status. You can also view details for a specific line item, including sensitive details, reward history, reward redemption, or resend a specific line item.

GET {URI}/lineItemsGet a paged list of line items.
GET {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemId}Get details for a specific line item.
POST {URI}/lineItems/{referenceLineItemId}/resendsResend a specific line item.

For details, refer to our document on Manage line items.

Exchange rates

Use GET {URI}/exchangerates endpoint to provide a list of exchange rates currently set in the Tango system. Use the following endpoint to calculate the cost of international rewards.

GET {URI}/exchangeratesGet a list of exchange rates.

For details, refer to our document on Get exchange rates.

Response code

For the health check of above functions, use '/pulse' endpoint to determine whether the system is healthy or not. When the response is 200, for example, the system is OK.

400Bad request

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.