Resend a specific order

Did your recipient accidentally delete or misplace their reward email? They may have mistaken it for spam or perhaps they don’t have access to that email address anymore. Tango portal allows you to resend the email to the recipient. Resending a reward doesn't mean you're placing a new order. It simply means you're resending the original reward email. There are no additional fees associated with resending a reward.

To resend the target order, you must set the sendEmail property value to true (default) which means Tango has sent the original email. If the property value is set to false, it indicates that we have never sent the original email, therefore, we cannot resend it.



  • Orders can be resent once every 30 seconds. The error message timestamp notifies you if a second attempt is made less than 30 seconds following the last send.
  • Resends of orders placed via the Tango API v1 are handled in the same fashion as resends of Orders placed via the Tango API v2. Only orders where Tango sent the original email can be resent by Tango . If you delivered reward credentials directly to your recipients, you need to retrieve them again via the GET {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderId}.

You need the original order number to perform the resend. The Tango order History call allows searching past orders. The order number is included in the order result.



  • Orders can be resent to a new email address, but to the same recipient. A reward link is tied to the same email address.
  • If an administrator needs to verify reward information for a given order, consider using the GET {URI}/orders Information call instead of the Resend a Reward Email call.

Resending an email does not guarantee delivery. If the recipient does not receive an email due to spam filter settings, corporate firewalls, etc. resending an email may not be enough. The underlying problem must be determined and resolved.

The resend endpoint allows you to resend reward emails to the original recipient on demand. Use the following endpoint to resend a specific order:

POST {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID}/resendsResend a specific Order.

The following path parameters are used with resend endpoint:

Path paramsData typeDescription
referenceOrderIDstring(Required) Reference Order ID is returned in the Order response payload. (path parameter)

The following body parameters are used with resend endpoint:

Body paramsData typeDescription
newEmailstringA new email to resend this Order to. (body parameter)
newEtidstringA new etid for resending an order.
Note: An ETID is a unique identifier associated with each reward email template saved to your Tango platform. The default Email Template ID is E000000.

The following example shows an order is being resent using POST {URI}/orders/{referenceOrderID}/resends.

  "id": 0,
  "legacyId": "string",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-25T22:46:39.922Z",
  "email": "string"

The possible response codes for this endpoint are:

  • 201 Created
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden

Rewards as a Service™ and the RaaS® API are provided by Tango Card, Inc. © 2024 Tango Card, Inc.