Get all reason codes

Use the following endpoint to get all reason codes for freeze, unfreeze, cancel, and reissue on this platform to use or display in your application:

GET {URI}/lineItems/reasonCodesGet all reason codes for the reward action (freeze, unfreeze, cancel, and reissue) on this platform.

The following enumerations are provided in the Tango API as the reason codes to freeze a line item:

Freeze reasons (Enum)Description
DELIVERY_INFOIncorrect recipient’s delivery information
REWARD_AMOUNTIncorrect reward amount
REWARD_TYPEIncorrect reward type
VERIFY_ORDERIncorrect order
FRAUDInvestigating possible fraud
OTHEREnter your description if the reasons in this table do not meet your need.

The following enumerations are provided in the Tango API as the reason codes to unfreeze a line item:

Unfreeze reasons (Enum)Description
DELIVERY_INFOThe recipient’s delivery information is verified.
REWARD_AMOUNTThe reward amount is verified.
REWARD_TYPEThe reward type is verified.
VERIFIED_ORDERThe order is verified.
FRAUDNo fraud has been detected.
OTHEREnter your description if the reasons in this table do not meet your need.

The following enumerations are provided in the Tango API as the reason codes to cancel a line item:

Cancel reasons (Enum)Description
DELIVERY_INFOIncorrect recipient delivery information
REWARD_AMOUNTIncorrect reward amount
REWARD_TYPEIncorrect reward type
RECIPIENTIncorrect recipient
CURREENCYIncorrect currency
RECIPIENT_REQUESTEDRecipient requested change
RECIPIENT_OBLIGATIONSRecipient didn’t fulfill obligations
DUPLICATEDuplicate order
FRAUDFraud is detected
OTHEREnter your description if the reasons in this table do not meet your need.

The following enumerations are provided in the Tango API as the reason codes to reissue a line item:

Cancel reasons (Enum)Description
DELIVERY_INFOIncorrect recipient delivery information
REWARD_AMOUNTIncorrect reward amount
REWARD_TYPEIncorrect reward type
RECIPIENTIncorrect recipient
CURREENCYIncorrect currency
RECIPIENT_REQUESTEDRecipient requested change
OTHEREnter your description if the reasons in this table do not meet your need.

Here's an example payload for reason codes endpoint:

  "FREEZE": {
    "additionalProp": "string"
    "additionalProp": "string"
  "CANCEL": {
    "additionalProp": "string"
    "additionalProp": "string"

Here's an example payload for when you receive an error:

  "timestamp": "2025-02-21T23:23:13.930Z",
  "requestId": "string",
  "path": "string",
  "httpCode": 0,
  "httpPhrase": "string",
  "i18nKey": "string",
  "message": "The error message will show here for error codes ",
  "errors": [

The possible response codes for this endpoint are as follows. For details, see i18nkey codes and their error messages:

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad request
  • 401 Unauthorized

© 2025 Tango API are provided by Tango, a division of BHN, Inc.