International Rewards

Expiration Dates

For international items (load value other than USD), there will be an expiration date (“expiration”) in the successful response, if applicable. The format for expiration date is ISO 8601 standard date format, example: 2016-06-19 (Year-Month-Day).


Expiration dates in email templates will appear in localized format, for example: 2016-06-19 could be 2016年6月19日.

Exchange Rates

The Exchange Rates endpoint provides international exchange rates to USD. Tango Card updates the exchange rates for non-US items at least once a day. As part of the Get Exchange Rates method, the API returns the exchange rates currently loaded into our system.

Generally, the exchange rates are updated once a day. However, they can be updated at any time. Consequently, there is a possibility that the rates have changed between your last rate check and the next order. For this reason, exchange rates are provided for informational purposes only.

Using the Exchange Rates endpoint

  1. Use the GET .../catalogs Call to determine the applicable faceValue of non-USD currencyCode items.
  2. Use the GET .../exchangerates method to find the corresponding exchange rate currently loaded for that item.
  3. Calculate the cost of the item using the reward face value and baseFx