Response classes and error messages

Tango API uses standard status codes used in HTTP responses to indicate the result of a request. Status codes focus on communication between users and servers and are essential for your debugging and error handling. We expect you to encounter the following HTTP status codes:

HTTP code responseStatus codeDescription
2xxSuccess2xx responses indicate a successfully completed request.
4xxUser errors4XX errors indicate incorrect requests. Review and correct before retyring.
5xxSystem errors5XX errors indicate Tango system cannot fulfill the request. This might be due to temporary issues with one of our suppliers, Tango system, or undetermined internet vagaries. Given the nature of HTTP-over-internet communications, 500 errors are inevitable. We strongly recommend implementing an exponential back-off retry mechanism that retries order requests when a 500 series error is received. Order requests receiving a 5XX error may occasionally process after a network connection is lost. The optional External Reference ID is an idempotent parameter that can be used to ensure duplicate orders are not created. implement an automated retry mechanism that is capped at 5 requests

Other HTTP status code responses are. ango is not currently using 1xx and 3xx codes:

HTTP code responseStatus codeDescription
1xxInformational1xx series responses are not implemented in the system at this time. They are not expected to see.
3xxRedirection3xx series responses are not expected. Log the response you get and report to Tango immediately.

Response headers

Response headers are HTTP headers that provide additional information about a response to a request. You can provide useful information such as _date _and _requestId _in your response headers. See example below:

    "timestamp": "2021-09-20T14:52:56.8Z",
    "requestId": "492fc1a0-ae5b-441b-a12a-ff6c028ceded",
    "path": "/raas/v2/orders",
    "httpCode": 400,
    "httpPhrase": "Bad Request",
    "errors": [
            "path": "utid",
            "code": 400500,
            "i18nKey": "422.024",
            "message": "The Item identifier provided is not valid. Please check the identifier and try again. You can confirm valid Items with the Get Catalog call."

Consider logging the following values for potential error troubleshooting along with the response JSON:

  • referenceOrderID (for successful orders)
  • requestId, httpCode and message (for errors)



  • JSON is currently the only supported content type for inputs or outputs. It is not required that the requests contain an Accept header, but if they do, it must contain application/json or /.
  • All dates must be represented in a format that is compatible with ISO 8601, for example: 2013-02-21T20:37:07-07:00.
  • Tango can add fields in the Tango API response objects at any time. What you use to un-marshal the JSON responses into native data types must handle unknown fields without failing.

Error testing in sandbox

Tango has included two items in our sandbox environment that can be used for testing 5XX series errors. Placing an order for these items results in the most common error responses you may encounter in the production account. If you don't see these items in your catalog, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or [email protected].

Failure Test 1U770618
Failure Test 2U065143

i18nKey codes and their error messages

i18nKey responses are used to provide more specific error codes to facilitate error handling. You can use i18nKey to show localized error messages based on an HTTP code. See the table below:



This following i18nKey list is provided as an example only and may change without prior notice. Use your best judgement to troubleshoot. For more questions, contact our Customer Success Manager (CSM) or [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected].

400Tango API error message
400.001Invalid Request
400.004Unable to refund {0} to Account {1} during the cancellation of rewardEntity {2}. Exception details: {3}
400.005Could not refund RewardLink for the amount {0} when cancelling the lineItemEntity {1}. There was an issue with getSVPayment() using paymentEntity {2}
400.006Could not refund RewardLink for the amount {0} when cancelling the rewardEntity {1}.
400.007Could not refund RewardLink for the amount {0} when cancelling the lineItemEntity {1}. There are no rewards on this lineItemEntity
400.008Cannot fail LineItem in [{0}]. [PENDING] expected.
400.010Cannot edit currency for this account because it already has transactions. Please create a new account with the proper currency.
400.011Invalid currency code: {0}. Must have exactly 3 letters.
400.014Could not refund the Expired Reward Link for amount {0}, Account {1}, LineItemID: {2}.
400.024Invalid state or region
400.025Invalid postal code
400.026Invalid country code
400.027Invalid supplier request data field ({0}). {1}
400.028Invalid currency code: {0}. Must be USD

402Tango API error message
402.001There are insufficient funds in your account to process this order.
402.051There was an error authorizing the card. Please check your card details and try again. If you need assistance, please write to [email protected] .

403Tango API error message
403.001Authorization Error
403.002You are not authorized to delete this credit card with this account.
403.003Cannot resend an email that was created with sendEmail=false. Please use the order details call to access information on this order.
403.004Cannot send more than once every {0} hours. Last sent at {1}
403.005Cannot send more than once every {0} seconds. Last sent at {1}
403.006You are not Authorized to Register a Credit Card with this Account.
403.007Customer Identifier not found in authorized ids.
403.008The specified etid does not belong to the given platform
403.009This line item does not belong to a platform provided.
403.016The fraud velocity system flagged this provisioning attempt as having exceeded a pre-determined threshold.
403.017Platform is not verified to create customers or accounts.
403.019You are not Authorized to change the "Powered By Tango Card" property of an email template.
403.021The Customer and Account is not authorized to access this email template
403.022The line item has reached its max limit of being reissued five times.
403.023Cannot re-send reward email more than once every 24 hours
403.024Reward must be expired to reissue.
403.025Reward must have remaining balance to reissue.
403.026Reward must be refunded to reissue.
403.027Reward has already been reissued.
403.028Reward must be Promo Link to reissue.
403.029Account must be on user platform.
403.031The Reward Security Key cannot be validated.
403.032User does not have authorization to access this resource.
403.033This reward is currently frozen and cannot be activated. If you believe this is an error, please reach out to [email protected] .
403.034Cannot resend reward. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
403.035Account not authorized to order Disbursement Link items.
403.036Account not authorized to order Cryptocurrency Link items.
403.038Account not authorized for ACH transfers.

404Tango API error message
404.001Not found
404.002This customer does not exist for this platform.
404.003The account does not exist for this platform.
404.004The account does not exist for this platform or is in an inactive state.
404.005The order you requested cannot be found in our system under this platform. Please double check the number and try again.
404.009Supplier entity not found.
404.010Mustache template not found for {0}, check the supplier configuration.
404.011The reference deposit ID provided was not found. Please verify format and ID and try again. If you need further assistance, please write to [email protected] .
404.012Account order not found for order id {0}.
404.013No orders found for {0} {1}.
404.017The order you requested cannot be found under this platform. Please check the Order Reference Id and try again.
404.018The reward you requested cannot be found.
404.019The catalog you specified does not exist.
404.022Credit card not found
404.023Platform Client not found
404.024Handler Not found
404.025Credit card unregister not found
404.026Account not found
404.030Account with ID ''{0}'' could not be found.
404.033Could not find Item with utid: {0}
404.034{0} was not found as a country Id
404.035Platform Client does not exist
404.036Customer not found for: {0}
404.042LineItemEntity with id [{0}] could not be found
404.046Invalid PaymentMethodType: ''{0}'' for orderID ''{1}''
404.053Email Template not found
404.055Email template identifiers not found for platform
404.056Queue not found for name: {0}
404.057ItemProvisioner ''{0}'' not found
404.058BufferInventoryQueueEntity not found for bufferInventoryQueueId: {0}
404.059Platform Client {0} does not exist.
404.060CreditCardDeposit not found for RequestId: {0}
404.072Could not find Inventory Batch with ID {0}
404.073Order does not have matching parent order
404.074Order does not have matching parent order account
404.076Payment not found for Order id:{0}. Every order should have a payment.
404.077Platform with id: {0} not found.
404.078Platforms not found
404.079Platform with id: {0} does not have accountFundingAttributes with id: {1}
404.081Platform key with ID {0} could not be found for platform client ID {1}
404.082Item Provisioner not found
404.083Unable to find supplier for UTID: {0}
404.084Invalid emailTemplateIdentifier
404.085Email template {0} does not have a default
404.086Cannot find email template by identifier
404.087Account transaction not found
404.089Account or Customer Not Found or Inactive
404.090Could not find item with item_id=''{0}''
404.092Order Not Found
404.093Item Not Found
404.094ExchangeRate Not Found
404.095Platform client not found with ID {0}
404.098Buffer Inventory Queue {0} not found: {1}
404.100PaymentSourceExchangeRateEntity ExchangeRate Not Found
404.101OrderEntity with id [{0}] could not be found
404.102LineItemEntity with id [{0}] could not be found
404.103ItemEntity with id [{0}] could not be found
404.104Brand missing for brandId=''{0}''
404.106No OrderManualReview found with ID {0}
404.107RequestMetadataEntity for OrderEntity with id [{0}] not found.
404.108Source IP for RequestMetadataEntity with id [{0}] not found.
404.109An Expired Reward Link Entity could not be found for OrderId: {0}, Line Number: {1}
404.111No Orders found for Supplier Request ID: {0}
404.113Delivery not found for Delivery ID: {0}
404.114Box User {0} could not be found!
404.115Could not find order supplier rule for ID: {0}
404.116Brand approval partner not found: {0}
404.117Brand approval request not found: {0}
404.118Brand approval request note not found: {0}
404.119Brand approval request {0} brand {1} not found.
404.120Note not found: {0}
404.121Alert not found: {0}
404.122Brand {0} Note {1} not found
404.123Item {0} Note {1} not found
404.124Brand {0} Alert {1} not found
404.125Item {0} Alert {1} not found
404.126Landing page {0} not found
404.128Redemption data missing
404.132Attribute with name "{0}" not found.
404.133Qualtrics API key with ID {0} could not be found for platform client ID {1}
404.137UTID does not exist
404.138UTID is not a choice product
404.140ACH Request not found for RequestId: {0}
404.141ACH Subscription not found for identifier: {0}
404.142Account has been frozen, please contact your Tango CSM or email [email protected]
404.143No delivery with status {0} was found for reward {1}.
404.144Supplier event not found: {0}

409Tango API error message
409.002Another order with the same external reference ID of {0} for accountId {1} is currently in process but not complete. Please ensure a minimum of 2 seconds for all retries.
409.005You already have an existing email template with this name, please choose a different name.
409.007This account identifier, {0} exists already for this platform and customer.
409.012This customer identifier, {0} exists already for this platform
409.015A Catalog with the name, {0}, already exists
409.016An item with the given utid already exists.
409.017The account display name, {0}, already exists on this platform.
409.018The account identifier, {0}, already exists on this platform.
409.019Supplier name already exists
409.022Batch Contains Duplicate Rows
409.023Found duplicate rewards in the database
409.026A platform with name, {0}, already exists.
409.027Could not refund Promo Link for line item {0}. It has already been refunded.
409.028A buffer for utid {0} with denomination {1} already exists.

410Tango API error message
410.001The order does not contain a re-acquirable reward.

422Tango API error message
422.002The card you attempted to un-register is not registered in our system or the account information provided is incorrect. Please check the customer, account and card token information for accuracy. You can use the GET creditCards call to verify the correct information
422.003Transaction currency type does not match account
422.004Account must be ACTIVE to add transactions
422.006Field {0} must not exceed {1} characters in length.
422.008The account name or account identifier does not match our naming conventions. Please consult our acceptable naming conventions at
422.011International items require a currency code.
422.018Variable maxValue must be greater than minValue.
422.023Email templates must have a name. Please supply a name with your request.
422.024The Item identifier provided is not valid. Please check the identifier and try again. You can confirm valid Items with the Get Catalog call.
422.025Amount is not within the range allowed for the item: Min = {0}, Max = {1}.
422.026This item only allows whole values, please retry with whole values.
422.027Amount is not correct for this fixed value item. Amount should be = {0}.
422.030The item you requested is not active. Please contact your Tango Card CSM.
422.031The order etid specified was not valid.
422.036The card you attempted to fund with is not registered in our system. Please consult our documentation at for credit card registration instructions.
422.038There was an error with your deposit attempt. Please check your card details and try again. If you need assistance, please write to [email protected] .
422.049The account transition specified was not valid.
422.050There are already 10 credit cards registered to this account. Please un-register a card and try again.
422.051There was an error un-registering the card. For any concerns or assistance, please contact [email protected] .
422.053Account ''{0}'' for Customer ''{1}'' for Platform ''{2}'' not found or not in active state
422.055Attempted to add a funding Transaction with a DECLINED state. Fundings should never be added as DECLINED, only updated to it.
422.058Value type cannot be mapped.
422.059Amount ({0}) is not within the range allowed for this item: Min = {1} Max = {3}
422.060Illegal item type expected variable or fixed
422.061Parameter cannot be null
422.063Status was not in the CybersourceDepositStatus enum, was {0}
422.066Failed to create landing page for reward.
422.067Cannot generate a landing page for response with No redemption Data
422.072Cannot generate a landing page for api rewards that have no credentials.
422.077SupplierId doesn't exist
422.078customUrlWithMustache required when customUrl is selected.
422.079Changing supplierName not allowed
422.080Input credential keys ({0}) did not match existing credential keys ({1}). If you intended to overwrite the existing keys, add force=true to the ''POST /admin/suppliers/id/credentials'' request.
422.081Converting YML-based Supplier not allowed
422.082The {0} service is not a valid service.
422.083The {0} supplier does not support the {1} service.
422.084At least one item is required for this platform''s catalog
422.085Cannot delete template that has already been used.
422.088Creds and redemptiontypes dont match size!
422.097The Item requested is not active.
422.099Fixed value items need to have the correct amount
422.100Illegal item type expected variable or fixed
422.101Exchange rate cannot be 0. Base exchange rate: {0} Output exchange rate: {1}
422.103Request template ''{0}'' variable not specified
422.104{0} {1} request template ''{2}'' variable not specified
422.115Attempted to add a Rebate Transaction with a incorrect status. Rebates should only be added as PROCESSED
422.116Cannot add a line item to an order that is not in a PENDING status
422.117Cannot add a line item with a value that exceeds the order total
422.119length must be between 1 and 100
422.134not a well-formed email address
422.144SVS Digital credentials did not contain card number
422.149The status is the same for Manual Review. A change was expected.
422.150{0} is already in a Complete state. Could not change status.
422.152Invalid order status. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}
422.154You must pass a valid, non-null boolean value for the showPoweredByTangoCard property of an email template
422.155You must pass a valid, non-null boolean value for the createdByAUserWithEmulation property of an email template
422.156Account must have a status of ACTIVE
422.158Invalid platform for the email template
422.159Invalid email template access control for this template
422.160Invalid platform status. Expecting: KYB APPROVED
422.161Invalid email template default for this template {0}
422.162Expiration Date should not be specified for given UTI
422.164Invalid UTIDs: {0} - You can confirm valid UTIDs with the Get Catalog call.
422.166Invalid order currency code for this item. The currency code should be {0}
422.179Cannot update brand approval request {0} brand {1} status. Brand has a partner.
422.180Brand approval request {0} already has the following brand id(s): {1}
422.181Brand approval request note {0} is not editable.
422.184Note {0} is not editable.
422.185Alert {0} is not active.
422.186Alert {0} is not editable.
422.187UTID {0} cannot be edited for the following reason: {1}
422.188Tango Card does not provide services to this email address domain: {0}
422.190The Reference Line Item Id is not formatted properly. Please ensure that there is a line item number on the end.
422.191It looks like there's a hiccup on our end. Please reach out to Customer Support.
422.194Tango Card does not provide services to this country: {0} ({1})
422.197Reward Credentials are invalid for this Reward.
422.199Catalog restrictions for this item cannot be {0}. Please remove item from these catalogs "{1}" and try again
422.200Activation is not allowed for this type of reward.
422.204There was an error with your request attempt. Please check your card details and try again.
422.209The provided reward landing page is in an invalid state for unprovisioning
422.210The provided reward is in an invalid state for unprovisioning
422.213Invalid inventory item, the item supplier type must be INVENTORY | UTID: {0}
422.217ACH Daily Usage Limit cannot be set above {0}.
422.218ACH Daily Usage Limit may only be set by TRUSTED accounts.
422.219Suppliers must remain active while they have active or test items
422.220Supplier {0} has an invalid status for {1}
422.224Credit Card has been deleted from account
422.226Invalid scheduled delivery time. Scheduled delivery time must be between {0} minutes and {1} minutes in the future.
422.237Event {0} has too many line items for processing with identifier type {1}.
429.008Rate limit exceeded for supplier rate limit 1 TPS threshold reached.
429.009Transaction amount cannot be processed. For any concerns or assistance, please contact your support representative.
429.011This order using account {0} has exceeded the allowable rate of {1} requests per {2}.
429.012This request has exceeded the allowable rate of {0} requests per {1}.

500Tango API error message
500.001Unexpected Application error
500.002Service temporarily unavailable. We recommend implementing an incremental retry. If the problem persists please check out status page.
500.023Unexpected batch error: {0}
500.024Something went wrong with the batch in breaking down into rows. Please poke a dev to see what went wrong
500.026Cannot fulfill LineItem in [{0}]. [PENDING] expected.
500.027Could not decrypt the cypher text
500.047Unable to instantiate SupplierClientBuilder of type {0}: {1}
500.048Could not create a customUrl
500.049something unexpected happened in rownumber:{0} and batchId:{1}
500.051Unable to unmarshall SOAP response
500.076Unexpected issue while connecting with Datawire: status code {0}.
500.078We were unable to get your reward. Please try again later or reach out to Customer Support.
500.999Unknown domain exception.

503Tango API error message
503.002This item is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in 24 hours.
503.003Supplier Failure while trying to order SVS Digital Reward
503.004{0} {1} service took too much time ({2} ms).
503.005{0} {1} service failed due to: {2}
503.006Unable to obtain SupplierClient for{0} {1}
503.008itemProvisionerId required for inventory item
503.009An error occurred while obtaining OAuth token
503.010supplier {0} unable to read Request Entity in SupplierConfig. \n{1}
503.011supplier {0} Request Map Empty/null. Can''t order without it.
503.013RewardLink cancel unsuccessful using request: {0}
503.015RewardLink createSV unsuccessful using request: {0}
503.026Unexpected batch error: {0}
503.029Could not save reward: {0}
503.031Failed to write redemption data to string for: {0}
503.032Unable to reverse failed SVS Digital transaction with STAN {0} after three attempts - requires manual followup
503.033Failed to reverse SVS Digital transaction with STAN {0}, with error: {1}
503.034Unexpected return code: {0}
503.035Supplier error, please try again. An incremental retry is recommended. If the problem persists, please send your platform name, JSON request and any other helpful details to [email protected]. Please DO NOT send any sensitive information such as platform keys, credit card details, or passwords
503.039Http method {0} unsupported for supplier {1}
503.040Incomm supplier missing ProgramId.
503.042This item is temporarily unavailable due to configuration maintenance. Please try again in 24 hours.
503.043Encountered unexpected failure while trying to order a reward: {0}
503.044{0} {1} service took too much time ({2} ms).
503.045Item {0} did not have a supplier code
503.046Unable to reverse failed SVS Virtual transaction with STAN {0} after three attempts - requires manual followup
503.048Could not create a customUrl
503.051No Firstdata service urls available.
503.052Invalid response code [ {0} ] received from Valuelink.
503.053No Firstdata service urls available.
503.502Service temporarily unavailable. We recommend implementing an incremental retry. If the problem persists please check out status page at: Tango Card Status ",

© 2025 Tango API are provided by Tango, a division of BHN, Inc.