JUMP TOTango Card RaaS APIWelcome to Test Console1. CustomersGet a list of all Customers on this Platform.getCreate a new Customer on this Platform.postGet details for a specific Customer on this Platform.getGet a list of all Accounts created for a specific Customer on this Platform.getCreate an Account under a specific Customer on this Platform.postUpdate an Account under a specific Customer on this Platform.patch2. AccountsGet a list of Accounts created on this Platform.getGet details for a specific Account on this Platform.get3. FundFund an Account.postGet details for a specific Credit Card Deposit.getUnregister a Credit Card.postList all credit cards registered on this Platform.getRegister a new Credit Card.postGet details for a specific Credit Card.getTransferring funds.post4. Brand CategoriesGet all brand categories.get5. CatalogsGet all items in the Platform's Catalog.get6. OrdersGet a list of Orders placed under this Platform.getCreate an Order under a specific Account.postGet details for a specific Order.getResend a specific Order.post7. Line ItemsGet line itemsgetGet all reason codesgetGet details for a specific line itemgetUpdate a line itempatchCancel line itempostFreeze line itempostReissue line itempostUnfreeze line itempostResend Line Itempost8. Email TemplatesGet a list of all Email Templates on this Platform.getCreate a new email templatepostGet details for a specific Email Template on this Platform.getDelete a specific Email Template on this Platform.deleteUpdate details for a specific Email Template on this Platform.patch9. Exchange RatesGet a list of exchange rates.get10. Credential TypesGet a list of Credential Typesget11. Choice ProductsGet all available Choice Products.getGet catalog for a specific choice product utid.getGet details for a specific Choice Product.get12. CountriesGet a list of countriesget13. WebhooksGet subscriptionsgetCreate subscriptionpostGet subscriptiongetDelete subscriptiondeleteUpdate subscriptionpatchGet subscription eventsgetRenew subscriptionpostRedeliver subscription eventspostExecute a test eventpostToken acquisitionToken managementAcquire a tokenpostAuth Token acquisition (Closed Release)Service token managementAcquire Service Account tokenpostResend Line Itempost https://integration-api.tangocard.com/raas/v2/lineItems/{referenceLineItemId}/resendsResend a specific Line Item.