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API Reference
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API Reference
Quick start guide (Tango API-v2)
User guide (Tango API-v2)
Before you get started
Set up a Tango account
Program and UI review
Set up work environment
Secure your connection with Tango API
Secure your connection with OAuth 2.0
Secure your connection with Basic Auth
Dos and Don'ts: Security and authentication
Determine your platform and organizational model
Tango API suggested flow
Tango response classes
API endpoint overview
Manage customers (groups)
Get a list of all customers
Create a new customer
Get details for a specific customer
Get a list of all accounts created for a specific customer
Create an account under a specific customer
Update an account under a specific customer
Manage accounts
Get a list of accounts created
Get details for a specific account
Manage funds
Fund an account
Get details for a specific credit card deposit
Unregister a credit card
List all credit cards registered on this platform
Register a new credit card
Get details for a specific credit card deposit
Transfer funds
Get exchange rates
Manage catalog
Get all items in the platform catalog
Manage countries and currencies
Get credential types
Get brand categories
Manage Choice products
Get all available Choice products
Get catalog for a specific Choice product
Get details for a specific Choice product
Manage email templates
Get a list of all email templates on this platform
Create a new email template
Get details for a specific email template
Delete a specific email template
Update details for a specific email template
Manage orders
Get a list of orders placed on this platform
Create an order under a specific account
Get details for a specific order
Resend a specific order
Manage line items
Get a list of line items
Get all reason codes
Get details for a specific line item
Update line item parameters
Cancel line items
Freeze line items
Reissue line items
Unfreeze line items
Resend a specific line item
Introduction to webhooks
Supported webhook events
Webhook notifications
Webhook endpoints
Get all subscriptions
Create a subscription
Get a subscription
Delete a subscription
Update a subscription
Get subscription events
Renew a subscription
Redeliver subscription events
Execute a test event
Best practices
Change history
Try it Out!
Tango Test Console
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